2 comments Monday, September 22, 2008

Hike Report #6: August 31
Pacific Crest Trail
South Cascades, Washington

15 miles, 3000 feet elevation gain

The hike to Kendall Katwalk is one of my all-time favorites. I did it twice this year, the first time in early July being quite an adventure as there was still a lot of snow on the ground. Today, I hit the trail early as the forecast called for snow above 5000' in the afternoon. Snow in August I say!

Early on, I ran into a couple coming down who had hiked from Canada. They were clearly exhausted and looking forward to the hotel at Snoqualmie Summit. Lisa and I decided we will hike the PCT from Canada to Mexico someday... then spend a couple weeks on the beach with maragritas in hand!

Fog was laying on the mountain like a blanket. A big, gray, wet blanket. I reached the Katwalk around 10am... it is such an amazing place. The effect of a sheer face disappearing hundreds of feet into the unknown clouds below was awe-inspiring. I usually spend some time here, but it was starting to snow and Gravel Lake was my goal. So onward! A couple years ago I saw a big cat sunning itself on the rocks up here. As I passed that spot my pace quickened, just a little.

I came first to Ridge Lake, which was absolutely surreal in the low light and fog. The campground here is terribly overused and trampled. I wish people would take a little more care with their boots. Gravel Lake was now just a short push away, and good thing... the snow was coming down pretty heavily, and I was soaked.

After dining on a gourmet meal of beef jerkey and m+m's, I turned around and headed for the parking lot. I saw dozens of hikers heading up, and was glad I had left early enough to have the mountain to myself.


Hike Report #5: August 30
Discovery Park
Seattle, Washington

3 miles

I love getting outside with the kids! It can be a chore getting everyone packed, and they would probably rather watch cartoons, and there's the inevitable grumbling and general displeasure. But once we're out, we never fail to enjoy these mini adventures.

Today's choice was Discovery Park, a gem of a getaway right in the middle of the city. The "classic" hike in the park is a study in varied terrain. Asphalt parking lot to wide walking paths, through groves of hardwood trees, across grassland and wind-blown sand, and finally down the bluffs through old-growth forest to the rocky shore of Puget Sound.

We brought along Polly, and she proved once again that she is a capable outdoorsdog. Josh and Mackenzie entertained me (and anyone within earshot) all the way, and Payton in typical go-get-em fashion ran ahead of us all day... stopping to wait patiently with hands on hips while the "slow guys" caught up.

It was windy at the beach, so we didn't stay long. But I think everyone had fun and I was glad to spend some time with the little turds!

1 comments Monday, September 1, 2008

Here's where I reached 50 miles of hiking in the month of August... August 31, Gravel Lake on the Pacific Crest Trail. Couldn't have picked a more memorable spot to reach this milestone. I'll enter a couple more detailed hike reports in a couple days. For now, I'm ready to rest and splash around at The Lodge! Thanks for your support everyone! -mike